Sunday 24 August 2014

What are common transport errors?

Return code (4) indicates imported ended with warning.

1. Generation of programs and screens
2. Columns missing and Rows missing.
Return code (8) indicates not imported ended with error
1. Syntax error.
2. Program generation error.
3. Dictionary activation error.
4. Method execution error.
Return code (12) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import is cancelled due to object missing.
2. Objects are not active.
3. Program terminated due to job? RDDEXECL? is not
Return code (16) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import cancelled due to system down while importing.
2. Import cancelled due to user expires while
3. Import cancelled due to insufficient roles.

Common Background Job Errors & Troubleshooting

1. User and password Issues (Authentication/ Authorization) user lock, user id expiry, password change, lack of roles etc.

2. File system problems: BTC reads from the file system to update the database. File not opened, or corrupted, file sharing issues, file came with different characters, file not found as well.
3. Variants are not properly defined.
4. Dead locks issue (Lock mechanism congested)
5. Update mechanism failed
6. Table space over flow (ORA-1653; ORA-1654)
7. Table space max extent reached (ORA-1631; ORA-1632)
8. Archive struck (ORA-255; ORA-272)
9. The memory is not sufficient and errors
(No Roll Area, PXA (Buffer), Page Errors)
10. Problem in the program and inputs (Indefinite loops like 1/0)
11. Dependent jobs/ events failure
12. Target systems are not available to process the jobs.

SAP Common Transport Errors & Troubleshooting

1. The log for import post processing contains messages that indicate that objects are missing

Solution- Look for the missing objects on transport requests using the tools of the Transport Organizer (transaction SE03).
If the missing object is on another request, import it first.
If the missing object is not on a request, collect it and the incorrect object on a request and transport it. Do not import the original request again. Create a merge transport for the consolidation if necessary.

2. Objects are deleted during import postprocessing although they should have been imported

Solution- The object was transported as a deletion.
You can see this from the piece list of the request in that the objects to be deleted are marked with a deletion indicator.
Make sure that the object to be transported is active. When delivering BI Content, make sure that the delivery or shadow version exists

The request was included in a mass import and the object is in more than one request
Import the requests individually or create a merge transport by merging the object lists of the requests.

3. Objects were not activated or not found (especially process chains and DataSources)

Solution- The client-dependent parts could not be activated because the transport destination is incorrect or missing.
Maintain the correct transport destination:

4. troubleshoot when a transport is running for unusually long duration and not getting completed or terminated

Solution- Go to transaction STMS_IMPORT and identify the transport which is running since a long duration.

In the below screenshot, transport with the truck symbol is the long running one

Issue could be due to following reasons :

1)    Non availability of space to perform the operation (i.e filesystem or tablespace is 100% full)

Solution :

  • Check out if any of the filesystems (like sapmnt, oraarch etc) of the Central Instance, Database and  application servers  is 100% full. If so, please add necessary space, which resolves the issue automatically and completes the import of transport.

  • Also, check out tablespaces fill levels. If autoextend is off and tablespace is 100% full then add sufficient datafiles, which resolves the issue

2)   RD* jobs are not running in SAP system

Solution :

Check out in SM37 whether RDD* jobs(RDDIMPDP, RDDIC3L, RDDVERSL etc) are running or not. If not, please make sure they are scheduled and perform the import of the transport again

3)   Update got deactivated

Solution :

Checkout in SM13 whether update is active or not. If it is not active, activate it and import the Transported to Production System.

4)   There are no free background workprocesses

Solution :

Check in SM50 whether all background workprocesses are in running status. If so, you will need to wait for the free background workprocess to run RDD* jobs to complete the  import of the transport. To avoid this issue in future you may increase the number of background workprocesses


Transport is not getting terminated. How to do terminate?

1) If you are unable to terminate a transport which is running, goto SM50 and identify the pid of the transport process. Try to cancel the process---> with core or without core

2) If it is not getting terminated from SAP level, then goto Oslevel and kill.

Command for the same in AIX or HP-UX is  kill -9 <PID>  

What are common transport errors?

Return code (4) indicates imported ended with warning.
1. Generation of programs and screens
2. Columns missing and Rows missing.
Return code (8) indicates not imported ended with error
1. Syntax error.
2. Program generation error.
3. Dictionary activation error.
4. Method execution error.
Return code (12) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import is cancelled due to object missing.
2. Objects are not active.
3. Program terminated due to job? RDDEXECL? is not
Return code (16) indicates import is cancelled.
1. Import cancelled due to system down while importing.
2. Import cancelled due to user expires whileimporting
3. Import cancelled due to insufficient roles.

SAP BASIS OS Level (UNIX) Commands

dpmon d
Dispatcher queue monitor
Sapdba (up to SAP R/3 -4.7)/ brtools
database administration
Running work process
ps -eaf|grep dw
process overview
ps -eaf|grep ora
check oracle service is running
Ps –eaf | grep dw kill -9
Kill work process
msmon pf=profile path name=sid
to check the message server status
gwmon pf=profile path nr=num
to check the gateway status
Ps –eaf | grep lsnrctl
Listener status
Rslgview pf =-r –ft | pg
System logs
Disp + work –v
to check the version of r3 kernel
R3trans –d ,tnsping
Checking the connection with database
Df –k
File system monitor
Du –k
Display all directories and size of current directory
“/as sysdba” (new versions)
SQL prompt and database connection
Saplicence  -get
to get hardware key
saplicense -install
to install license
sappfpar all pf=profile path
display all profile parameters
sappfpar check path=profile path
checks the required space for memory
to check the available space for heap and swap memory
Remote system login
telnet <ipaddress><dispatcherportnum>
to check the remote sap system is up and running
file transfer protocol
remote copy of files
Start/stop sap
Start / stop Sap instance
check destination host reachable
check connection between server and a client by transferring packets
check the configuration of system
Ps -aef
Processes status
lsps -a
Swap space

Friday 22 August 2014

SAP Support Pack Errors Troubleshooting (SPAM / SAINT )

1. SYNTAX_ERROR- This might come if you are trying  to access the t-codes when the update is running

Solution-  You have 2 options. 

1. Open a customer message with SAP Support. They will give you some
OS level commands that will fix the problem. 

DO NOT attempt to do this yourself. Or SAP can refuse to support your system
until you pay Consulting services to fix the problem.

2. Restore your system to the state it was before you started the
import of support package queue and start from scratch. 

2. PATCH_FILE_READ_ERRORError in phase: DISASSEMBLEReturn code: 12,OCS Package: SAPKB70008

Solution-  Space constrained; you are running out of space.

3.  TP_STEP_FAILURE- Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER, Return code: 0008, Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "N", return code 0008

Solution- you can fix it by creating a index in database DB02OLD

If an error is
recognized during a phase, Support Package Manager stops the import process
until the error is corrected. You can get information about the reason the SPAM
transaction was stopped and in which phase by choosing Queue ® Status.

Error Types

Support Package
Manager displays the following types of error messages:

  1. 1.
    Support Package
    Manager Security Checks
A typical
example is the OBJECTS_LOCKED_? phase. Support Package Manager stops the import
process if objects that need to be overwritten by the queue are still locked in
  1. 2.
    Error messages from
    programs tp and R3trans
You can always
find the cause of the error in the relevant transport log. A typical example is
the TEST_IMPORT phase. This step checks whether there are unconfirmed repairs to
objects that need to be overwritten by the queue. The objects in question are
listed in the test import log.
  1. 3.
    configuration of the Change and Transport System
Errors here
often include not having the relevant authorizations for accessing files in the
Change and Transport System, or using old versions of the tp or R3transprograms. Check the configuration of the
transport tools by choosing Utilities ® Check transport tool.
A typical
example is the DISASSEMBLE phase. If <sid>adm does not have write authorization for
directory /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX), Support Package Manager stops at the
Support Package
Manager requires the Change and Transport
System to be configured correctly.
For more information
on known problems, see the OCS Notes referred to in SAP Note 97620.

Known Errors

In this phase, a
dialog box prompts you to confirm the import of the Support Package. If you are
not authorized to use Support Package Manager, or if the current queue has not
yet been confirmed, Support Package Manager stops with a message to this
This phase
checks various requirements for importing a Support Package. It may terminate
for the following reasons:

cannot log on to the
database of the system.

QUEUE_NOT_EMPTY: The tp buffer contains incompletely processed OCS
requests. Use the following tp command to display these requests:
You can only
continue to import the queue after these requests have been completely
processed, or deleted from the tp buffer.
In this phase,
files from the corresponding EPS parcels are unpacked and stored in the
directory /usr/sap/trans/data (UNIX). It generates the command files
(cofiles) from the accompanying files and saves them to directory /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (UNIX). It may terminate for the following

CANNOT_SKIP_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD: The attributes could not be read in the EPS
parcel. The reason that the file cannot be read is either because it has been
deleted or because your authorizations at operating system level do not allow

CANNOT_DETERMINE_EPS_PARCEL: The EPS parcel is not in the EPS Inbox, because
it may have been deleted. You need to download the relevant Support Package

CANNOT_DETERMINE_DATA_FILES: The name of a data file could not be
determined, because a profile parameter was not correctly configured. Use report RSPARAM to check the

CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE: An R3trans data file could not be unpacked.Possible errors include a missing EPS parcel or
a data file that could not be written to. An error occurred while transmitting a
20K block from the EPS Inbox to directory /usr/sap/trans/data(UNIX).

CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_D_DATA_FILE: An ADO data file could not be
unpacked. The reasons are the same as for CANNOT_DISASSEMBLE_R_DATA_FILE.

CANNOT_CREATE_COFILE: The cofile could not be created from the
corresponding data file. One possible error source is that <sid>adm does not have write authorization for the
directory /usr/sap/trans/cofiles (UNIX). Check whether the data file has been
created. If it has not been created, check that the option Create new data
 is activated in the settings.
This phase adds
the queue to your system’s transport buffer. It may terminate for the following

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called. An RFC error has occurred.

CANNOT_ADD_PATCH_TO_BUFFER: A Support Package could not be added to the
transport buffer. For more information, see the SLOG log file in the directory
/usr/sap/trans/log (UNIX).
This phase
prepares the transport buffer so that the subsequent import phases can be
processed correctly. It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called. An RFC error has occurred.

CANNOT_MODIFY_BUFFER: An unsuccessful attempt was made to modify the
transport buffer.
This phase
imports the object lists for the Support Packages in the queue into the system.
It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, see the SLOG or ALOG log files.

COMMAND_FILE_IMPORT_FAILURE: The object list for one or more Support
Packages could not be imported. You can find the source of error in the command
file import log.
This phase
checks whether any objects overwritten by the import are still in unreleased
tasks. You can find the source of error in the log of the test import.
You can skip
test import errors and continue the import by choosing Extras ® Ignore
Test Import Errors. However, depending on the type of error, this
may cause the error to reappear with very serious consequences during the real
import. You therefore always need to check test import errors first, and correct
them wherever possible.
This phase
checks whether any objects overwritten by the import are still in unreleased
requests. It may terminate for the following reasons:

CANNOT_GET_OBJECT_LIST: The object list for a Support Package could not
be found, since the Support Package does not exist.

CANNOT_CHECK_LOCKS: An error occurred when checking the locks for
an object in the queue.

OBJECTS_LOCKED_IN_REQUESTS: Objects were found that are still in requests
that have not yet been released. Release these requests before continuing
importing the Support Packages.
This phase
checks for conflicts between objects in the queue and installed add-ons. If it
finds any, Support Package Manager stops and prompts you to import the relevant
Conflict Resolution Transports (CRTs). It may terminate for the following

CANNOT_GET_OBJECT_LIST: The object list for a Support Package could not
be found, because the Support Package does not exist.

CANNOT_GET_LAST_UPGRADE_INFO: The information about the component upgrade
could not be determined.

UNRESOLVED_ADDON_CONFLICTS: Conflicts with add-ons could not be resolved,
because the relevant CRTs are missing from the queue.
This phase
schedules the transport daemon (program RDDIMPDP). It may terminate for the
following reasons:

CANNOT_SCHEDULE_RDDIMPDP: Job RDDIMPDP could not be scheduled. Call
Transaction SM37 (job selection), enter the following
parameters and choose Continue:
User name<User
○       Parameter ein und wählen Sie Weiter:
Wählen Sie den abgebrochenen Job aus und
zeigen Sie das Jobprotokoll an.
Select the job
that was terminated and display the job log.

Problems with the
SAP lock mechanism: Call transaction SM12 and make sure that there are no
programs listed with the name RDDIMPDP.
This phase
creates versions in the version database of the objects that you want to import
and for which versions can be created (ABAP coding, screens, and DDIC objects).
It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.
If the return
code is 0152 (nothing done), check in the configuration of the transport tools
in the Transport Management System (transaction STMS) whether the VERS_AT_IMP parameter is set as ALWAYS. If it is not, set this value and continue
importing the queue.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: tp step CREATE_VERS_BEFORE could not be performed
successfully. To find the exact cause of the error, choose Goto ®
® Queue, and look at the version log.
In this phase,
the system checks if a modification adjustment is necessary (transactions
This phase
imports the ABAP Dictionary. It may terminate for the following

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

CANNOT_IMPORT_DDIC: The ABAP Dictionary could not be imported. You
can find the source of the error in the Dictionary import log.
This phase
checks whether all modifications to ABAP Dictionary objects can be adjusted
In this phase,
you are prompted to adjust your modifications to the ABAP Dictionary objects by
calling transaction SPDD.
LOCK_EU (only
for import mode downtime-minimized)
This phase locks
the development environment. It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.
(only for import mode downtime-minimized)
This phase
imports program code and program texts in an inactive state. It may terminate
for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: The tp step INACTIVE_IMPORT could not be executed
successfully. The cause of the error is in the relevant log (SAPBxxxxxx.<SID>). This log is in subdirectory log in the transport directory. To display this
file, run report RSPUTPRT, or call transaction AL11.
This phase
activates the imported ABAP Dictionary objects. It may terminate for the
following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: tp step DDIC_ACTIVATION could not be executed
successfully. To view the cause of the error in the activation log, choose
® Log ® Queue.
If you import two or more Support Packages
in a queue, activation errors can result from an incorrect activation sequence
for Dictionary objects. If this is the case, the activation errors disappear if
the objects are activated again. To do this, choose Support Package
® Import queue.
This phase
imports all Repository objects and table entries. It may terminate for the
following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: A tp step could not be performed successfully. You
can find the source of error in the relevant log, for example, in the import
If a
tp step 6, N or S is in the termination message,
it is a step independent of the transport request. The corresponding logs are
contained in the log overview under the node Import steps not specific to the transport
You can also
find these logs in the following files in the log subdirectory of your transport directory
(usually /usr/sap/trans/log):
tp step 6: P<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
tp step N: N<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
tp step S: DS<YY><MM><DD>.<SID>
To display
these files, run report RSPUTPRT or call transaction AL11.
This phase
prepares the execution of the XPRAs and after-import methods. It may terminate
for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

CANNOT_MODIFY_BUFFER: The tp program could not change the corresponding
buffer file. For more information, read the SLOG log file.
for import mode downtime-minimized)
This phase
unlocks the development environment. It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.
This phase
checks whether modifications can be adjusted automatically.
This phase
executes the XPRAs and after-import methods. It may terminate for the following

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

not be performed successfully. To find the cause of the error, read the method
execution log. To view the cause of the error in the log, choose Goto ® Log ® Queue.

CANNOT_READ_BUFFER: The tp program could not open the corresponding buffer
file. For more information, read the SLOG log file.

CANNOT_MODIFY_BUFFER: The tp program could not change the corresponding
buffer file. For more information, read the SLOG log file.
This phase
generates the runtime objects for the imported Repository objects (ABAP source
code and screens). It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: The tp step could not be executed successfully. To
view the cause of the error in the generation log, choose Goto ® Log ® Queue.
Remember that
objects delivered in Support Packages have already been imported completely. If
the return code is 0008, all objects without syntax errors have been generated.
The persistence
of syntax errors can be due to one of the following reasons:

Systems that have
been developed over a long period of time often contain many objects that are
not longer used or maintained. These objects are still active in the Repository
and can reference or use other objects (such as includes). If these includes are
modified, syntax errors might occur in the obsolete objects. However, these
errors have no effect on the SAP System, and can be ignored.

Generated includes
or programs can contain syntax errors after an import. You can usually ignore
these errors, since the source code of the generated objects is generated again
when the corresponding transactions are started (a special generation
transaction might exist).

If SAP objects have
been modified, or if customer objects use SAP objects, there are may also be
syntax errors in the modified SAP objects and the customer objects. If this is
the case, you must adjust the modifications or customer developments.

synchronization problems can also cause generation errors.
errors do not necessarily indicate inconsistencies in the system. However, you
should investigate them using the criteria above. If the errors are
non-critical, or temporary, ignore them by choosing Extras ® Ignore generation errors, and continue
the import of the queue. Choose Support Package ® Import queue.

CANNOT_READ_BUFFER: The tp program could not open the corresponding buffer
file. For more information, read the SLOG log file.

CANNOT_MODIFY_BUFFER: The tp program could not change the corresponding
buffer file. For more information, read the SLOG log file.
This phase
prompts you to adjust your modifications to Repository objects by calling
transaction SPAU.
CLEAR_OLD_REPORTS (only for import mode
This phase
deletes obsolete versions of program code and program texts from the system. It
may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

TP_STEP_FAILURE: The tp step CLEARREPORTS could not be performed
successfully. The cause of the error is in the corresponding log (PZ<yy><mm><dd>.<SID>). This log is in subdirectory log in the transport directory. To display this
file, run report RSPUTPRT, or call transaction AL11.
This phase
completes the import process. The system checks if the queue has been completely
processed. If it has, there should be no more transport buffer entries for the
queue. It may terminate for the following reasons:

TP_INTERFACE_FAILURE: The tp interface could not be called.

TP_FAILURE: The tp program could not be executed. For more
information, read the SLOG or ALOG log files.

QUEUE_STILL_IN_BUFFER: The queue has not been processed completely,
since there are still incomplete Support Packages from the queue in the
transport buffer.

What is One, Two & Three System Landscape in SAP

System Landscape  

The system landscape contains all the SAP Systems that you have installed. It can consist of several system groups, whose SAP Systems are linked by transport routes.

Three-System LandscapeSAP recommend a three-system landscape in which each of the central clients has its own SAP System.
This consists of a development system DEV, a quality assurance system QAS and a production system PRD.

Make all changes to DEV client. When you release the corresponding change requests, they are transported into the quality assurance client. In the quality assurance client you can test whether the transports are complete,

If the test is successful, the change requests are transported into the production client. The production client is completely separate from the other clients as regards cross-client data.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text
 Two-System Landscape 
The two-system landscape does not include a separate quality assurance system QAS. The quality assurance client is also in the development system DEV.

As in the three-system landscape, the production client is completely separate from the other clients. The disadvantage of a two-system landscape is that cross-client data is used in both the Customizing and quality assurance clients. This means that any changes that are made to cross-client data in the Customizing client can affect the tests in the quality assurance client. You can also not guarantee that transports from the Customizing client will be complete. Although all tests in the quality assurance client were successful, errors could still occur after the transport into the production client. This problem is caused by changes being made to cross-client data and then not being transported.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text One-System LandscapeSAP do not recommend a one-system landscape containing all central clients in a single SAP System. Joint usage of hardware resources and cross-client data places serious restrictions on how a single system operates. In particular, once the system is used productively, you can no longer develop in it, unless you stop productive operation for the development and test phases.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

What are the different Spool statuses and their significance?

What does spool request contain ?

Spool request contains detailed information regarding printer model, formatting to be done on the data to be output.

Where is the spool request stored ?

The spool request that is generated is stored in the Temse( temporary sequential file)

What are different Spool statuses and their significance?

Spool requests will have different statuses like

  • Completed (The output request printed successfully)
  • Waiting (Spool request is in waiting status and spool system has not yet processed the output request and not yet sent to the host system)
  • Inprocess (The spool workprocess is in the process of formatting output request for printing)
  • Printing (The host spool is in the process of printing the output request
  • Problem (This indicates there are some minor errors. It means output request printed but contains some errors like incomplete character set etc)
  • Error (This status indicates some serious issues such as network error. It means the requests have not printed and they remain in the spool system until they are deleted or until they reach their expiration date. After expiry date, they are deleted by the reorganisation jobs. 
  • Archive (This status is set for spool requests that are sent to an archiving device. This status means that the spool request was already processed by the spool system and it is now waiting to be archived)
  • Time (This status means that the user who has created the spool has mentioned some specific time for output)
  • -  ( This minus status means that the spool request is not yet sent to the host system and no output request exists)
  • + ( This plus status means that the spool request is being generated and it is stored in the spool system )
Which workprocesses will create spool requests? :

Spool requests will be created by dialog or background workprocesses.
Please note that spool work processes donot create spool requests

What is the difference between spool request and output request ?

Spool request contains detailed information regarding printer model, formatting to be done on the data to be output. Output request contains all the data in the format that the printer understands.

A spool workprocess formats the data specified in the spool request and generates the output request. Output request is also termed as print request.

Which workprocess will create output request ?

Output request will be created by spool workprocesses.